Learn skills so powerful, your clients will think you're one of the X-Men

Become A Masterful Practitioner And ...

Add magic to your craft and become a masterful practitioner equipped with the tools and confidence to create life-changing, transformational experiences for every client in your realm.

Claim Your Magic

A Spellbook for Client Success
In The School Of Brain Magic Mastery, we start from the ground up by guiding you through an imaginative reinvention of your skills as a student of the transformational arts.

At the heart of this journey, you’ll learn to access the conscious and subconscious mind of even your most impenetrable client to create the everlasting transformation they deserve and the results they need.

But this certification does more than equip you to better serve your people.

The internal work of each modality will simultaneously and seamlessly lead you into creating a business that radiates the essence of your being and truly aligns with your soul.

You're A Loving &  Caring Coach, Healer, Consultant, or Leader

  You've got the clients. You’ve got the business.  

 You’ve been blessed with a handful of tear-jerking testimonials. You’ve helped some people in a serious way. 

Others… well… for every Success-Story Sasha story, there’s a No-Progress Naomi who didn’t get the results, didn’t experience the change, didn’t even show up to the call or gave about 15% effort when she finally did…

You may be used to getting dozens of compliments, but how exactly do you handle those negative interactions with clients that cling to your conscience?

Do you shrug them off as collateral damage: “Oh well, you can’t help someone until she’s ready to help herself…” or do you allow clients like these to make you feel like a fraud?

“What if I’m what’s wrong with the coaching industry?” Ever asked that question?

Ever get on Facebook wondering if today will be the day your client starts ranting publicly about how she’s in this program and she’s not getting the results and this isn’t at all what she thought she was signing up for…?



Our thoughts become our beliefs, and our beliefs become our reality. To begin facilitating change on the subconscious level, we must become aware of the scripts that are running within us


It is not uncommon to feel totally motivated to achieve a goal right before stumbling into the rabbit hole of limiting beliefs. To stay the course, we can recode these harmful thoughts into empowering ones.


Change isn’t always easy. However, when we take the incremental steps towards our next level, we can avoid falling victim to self-sabotaging behaviors.


When we can look within to our inner wisdom and source our own answers, we are leading ourselves. And when we teach our clients to do the same, we set them up for success – for life.

The Business You Desire (And The Coach Your Clients Need)

I’m going to assume that you’re here today because you care about each and every one of your clients and you believe there has got to be a better way to serve ALL of them.

You believe that with the right methodology in your spiritual handbag and an abundance of practical, evidence-based exercises, you can confidently facilitate transformative experiences for everyone who comes into your sphere – regardless of their background, their personality, or whether or not things have “gotten kinda crazy” this past week and now they don’t have time for “mindset work…”

I’m also going to assume that you believe in your ability to safely engage in deep, intimate interactions with clients at the conscious and subconscious levels – interactions that are free from the risk of damaging the dear souls who have trusted you with their money, their time, and their well-being.

In the end, I know that you believe you can – and deeply desire to – launch your clients into new horizons with wilder success than they ever thought possible.

You know you’re ready to take the leap from being a coach who sometimes gets results to a masterful practitioner who always gets results, from a business owner who spends valuable time trying to score the next big client to one who thrives off of an evergreen surplus of referrals.
From Cheering Clients Up to Rewiring Their Identity
Years ago, I had a client who started crying on our call. Without thinking, I said the first thing that popped into my head: “Bitch, is you crying?”

Of course, her face dried up immediately as neither of us could contain our laughter. And at the time, I thought, “This is good. I got her out of her mode of self-doubt and pity and into a space of joy…”

While this may sound like a funny memory, it’s actually an illustration of where I was as a coach before I began a deep season of professional investment during which I pursued two NLP practitioner certifications, two master’s certifications as well as one full trainer’s certification.

Fast forward a few years. Around the time I was wrapping up my second Master’s certification, I was doing a practice call with a different woman who was also struggling with some deeply personal issues.

Let me tell you – the woman cried for over an hour during our session. Why? Because this time I didn’t stop her. I didn’t lighten the mood. I didn’t worry about whether I had triggered her, and I didn’t immediately begin seeking a “BandAid solution” to “cure” her emotions in that moment.

Instead, I comfortably and calmly guided her through various techniques I had studied to resolve the internal pain that she was dealing with, to help her begin to construct new perspectives of herself and her future self so that she could – at long last – move forward from these painful memories and present-day roadblocks.

It was that day that I stepped into my power not only as a coach but as a masterful practitioner – a power I couldn’t have known I was lacking when I first opened my coaching business. 
You're A Leader That Goes First ...
We both know you didn’t start your business to play it small, make an okay income, and have minimal impact on the world.

You started your business to help people. But helping others will always require you to help yourself as well and that means doing the inner and outer work so that you can be a true, walking embodiment of the methods and strategies that you preach.

This certification is not meant to be another notch under your belt or an ego booster. If you’re mainly shopping for a fancy credential, there are plenty of certifications out there which sound just as good on paper and don’t require you to put in the effort of mastering their modalities by working with real-life clients.

But if you’re ready to start making your wildest fantasies come true while helping your people do the same, if you believe that taking your clients to their next level means rising to yours, and if you desire to ascend powerfully into the sovereign queen you know you are meant to be, this certification is for you.

It's time for you to ascend your throne and become the masterful practitioner your clients pray for. 

Our biggest goal in The School Of Brain Magic Mastery is to provide you with the tools, techniques, practices, and exercises that will help your clients reign supreme in life and business

I'm ready to dive into the School Of Brain Magic Mastery ! 

Are any of these familiar to you?

➜  Some clients are seeing the results and some are not.

➜  You wonder, sometimes, “Are my methods really that useful? Am I 100% certain that I’m helping people 100% of the time without causing unintentional harm?”

  Deep down, you believe that your client’s lack of motivation to “do the work” is a reflection of your abilities.

  Past Masterminds and group programs did not stretch you the way you had hoped?

  Do you sometimes feel frustrated and helpless with that client that keeps coming to calls with the same problem?

  Are you constantly thinking that if you had more confidence you would finally take risks, try new things, and make bold moves.

  Do you avoid showing up on social media the way you actually want because, well ... internet mean girls

  Do you have anxiety about the future and your ability to succeed in your business?


Here's a sneak peek inside the modalities you'll be trained in!


EFT is a potent and simple technique used to remove disempowering limiting beliefs, release fears and negative emotions, and restore an energetic balance to the body.


NLP is how we’re able to use the language of our mind to consistently achieve the results we want. Through the use of various techniques and practices, we are able to control our emotional being, how we act and behave, change our beliefs, and so much more.


There are two super dope ways to use hypnosis to help you and your clients quantum leap to success – through conversation and imagination. The techniques used for hypnosis connect directly to the subconscious mind, allowing for empowering, positive, and motivating suggestions to be planted in place of the negative beliefs that cause self-sabotaging patterns.


Being able to release things like negative emotions, limiting decisions, and anxiety are so much easier, especially when you don’t have to actually talk about the past situations that lead to these emotions. With T.I.M.E Techniques, you can go into the past to heal from situations and go out into the future to place the achievement of your goals to make them a done deal.


Human Design offers a unique approach to business and leadership by providing a personalized blueprint that outlines each individual's strengths, challenges, and inherent characteristics. By embodying their design, leaders can operate more authentically and efficiently, making decisions that align with their natural energies and avoiding burnout.

You’ll also get access to all these amazing bonuses!

Bonus # 1

Learn Subliminal Mastery and begin creating subliminal audios that rewire your clients subconscious minds.

Bonus # 2

Get One Free Year in the Brain Magic Mastery Membership. This is the place for you to let your hair down and receive.

Bonus # 3

Use the Money Magic Notion Template to strengthen your relationship with money and rewire your nervous system to be able to call in more and keep it.

Bonus # 4

Bank With Breakthrough Days will teach you how to create profitable and transformative breakthrough days and intensives.

Bonus # 5

Become an Enchanting Group Curator and learn the different types of learners and how to make sure each is able to get the shift during your group experience. 

All the support you will receive inside The School Of Brain Magic Mastery

Script Library

You'll receive access to our EXPANSIVE embodiment library with access to EFT scripts, Hypnosis scripts, and embodiment rituals to use on yourself and your clients. 

Mastery Practice Calls

These calls are designed to help you exercise the craft of each modality you are learning to make you that much more confident in facilitating it with clients.

Private Community

Our private online community is held off Facebook so that you can learn and connect with other students free from distractions. 

Payment Options

Pay In Full



Your admission includes access to:

➜   50+ Training Videos

➜   Mastery Practice Calls

➜   Private Online Community Held Off Facebook

➜   Expansive Embodiment Script Library

➜   Lifetime Access To Content

Plus these ENCHANTING bonuses!

➜   Subliminal Mastery

➜   One Free Year Of Brain Magic Mastery Membership

➜   Money Magic Notion Template

➜   Bank With Breakthrough Days

➜   Enchanting Group Curator

➜   PLUS save $660

Easy Payment Plan

$555 / month


Your admission includes access to:

➜   50+ Training Videos

➜   Mastery Practice Calls

➜   Private Online Community Held Off Facebook

➜   Expansive Embodiment Script Library

➜   Lifetime Access To Content

Plus these ENCHANTING bonuses!

➜   Subliminal Mastery

➜   One Free Year Of Brain Magic Mastery Membership

➜   Money Magic Notion Template

➜   Bank With Breakthrough Days

➜   Enchanting Group Curator

This is perfect for you if...

✓  You see the value in enhancing your skill sets around the work you do with clients.

✓  You want to build your business your way, on your terms.

✓  You want to expand your network and connect with other in your industry.

✓  You want to help your clients go deeper and blast through the beliefs and behaviours that are stopping them from doing the work.

✓  You're seeking access to specialized training or certification programs.

✓  You're someone that enjoys getting out of their comfort zone so that you can grow.

This is not the right fit for you if...

☓  You do not see the value in enhancing your skill sets around the work you do with clients.

☓  You're not willing or able to commit the time and effort required to take advantage of the resources and opportunities offered by the school.

☓  You're not able to take feedback and constructive criticism.

☓  You have no desire to help your clients go deeper and move through the beliefs and behaviours stopping them from doing the work.

☓  You are someone that goes ghosts in programs when you feel behind.

☓  You enjoy being in your comfort zone and have no desire to push beyond your limits.

Hey Boo   Fancy meeting you down here! 

If you’re still a little “on the fence” with this investment, I totally get it. Joining a certification with this level of depth and application is not a decision to make quickly while surfing the Internet at 3 in the morning! But if you’re well rested and your head is in a clear space, it’s time to ask a few questions: 

 ➜ …Are you 100% happy with your business as it stands right now and the direction in which you are headed today? 

➜ …Are you unshakably confident in your abilities as a coach or a practitioner? 

➜ …Are you equipped to handle EVERY new challenge that will inevitably come your way with a diverse population of clients? 

➜ ...Are you building your reputation as a serious coach or practitioner who regularly creates transformative experiences for your clients (or – like so many of us – have you been using the label of “coach” despite the lack of formal training for this title)?

I want you to know that it is entirely possible to become not only a coach whom clients are desperate to book during every season of the year, but a leading practitioner whose reputation denotes a seemingly-magical ability to access the human psyche in astounding ways with wildly successful results.

And so I ask you one final question: 

➜ …Are you ready to engage with me in this transformational journey?

In the end, what I want for you is genuine, authentic coaching. Masterful coaching that doesn’t merely raise a client’s awareness of a given strategy or a momentary opportunity, but speaks directly to their subconscious, heals them from their past, eradicates their limitations, and shifts their outright being.

Anyone can learn to do this kind work. I won’t say it’s easy, but it’s entirely feasible for those who seek it with serious intentions.

You have it in you to become the coach that isn’t just a knowledgeable advice giver, isn’t just a compassionate shoulder to cry on, isn’t just a unyielding voice of “female empowerment,” but an absolute life-changer and a realigner of souls.

With The School Of Brain Magic Mastery, you're getting:


50+ Training Videos

Mastery Practice Calls

Private Online Community

Expansive Embodiment Script Library

Lifetime Access To Content


Bonus #1  Subliminal Mastery

Bonus #2  Brain Magic Mastery Membership

Bonus #3  Money Magic Notion Template

Bonus #4  Bank With Breakthrough Days

Bonus #5   Enchanting Group Curator


Pay In Full



Your admission includes access to:

➜   50+ Training Videos

➜   Mastery Practice Calls

➜   Private Online Community Held Off Facebook

➜   Expansive Embodiment Script Library

➜   Lifetime Access To Content

Plus these ENCHANTING bonuses!

➜    Subliminal Mastery

➜    One Free Year Of Brain Magic Mastery Membership

➜    Money Magic Notion Template

➜    Bank With Breakthrough Days

➜    Enchanting Group Curator

➜    PLUS save $660

Easy Payment Plan

$555 / month


Your admission includes access to:

➜   50+ Training Videos

➜   Mastery Practice Calls

➜   Private Online Community Held Off Facebook

➜   Expansive Embodiment Script Library

➜   Lifetime Access To Content

Plus these ENCHANTING bonuses!

➜    Subliminal Mastery

➜    One Free Year Of Brain Magic Mastery Membership

➜    Money Magic Notion Template

➜    Bank With Breakthrough Days

➜    Enchanting Group Curator

In case you were wondering...

  • After I sign up, what happens next?
    Within 24 hours of your initial registration, you will receive an email granting you access to The School Of Brain Magic Mastery program portal as well as the Brain Magic Mastery Membership. This invaluable resource will supply everything you need to begin a process of self-evaluation and personal calibration to our work prior to the official program start date. In addition, you will receive access to your free program bonuses so that you can begin reaping the extra benefits of your investment immediately.
  • Will I have time for a live program when I am already busy building my business?
    I understand that you may often feel torn between providing your clients with great services while remembering that your business is always your first and most important client. That said, the internal work we do will massively reframe your approach in almost every aspect of your business (and likely your life as well!). These foundational patterns that begin in the subconscious will naturally guide you into the most productive measures as you tangibly seek ways to grow your influence and scale your earnings. Also, this certification is in part “self-led.” That said, you’ll need to attend at least some of our calls to get the fullest experience.
  • I’m a new coach. Is this for me?
    Honestly, I can only imagine how the coaching industry would be transformed if all new coaches began with a foundation in the subconscious and an understanding of their role as perspective changers rather than advice givers. Whether you’re new or seasoned in your approach, if you have a desire to genuinely help your people in a lasting manner, you are in the right place.
  • How many hours per week will I need to invest?
    The School Of Brain Magic Mastery is a 9 month program designed to give you space and time to learn, embody, and implement what you are learning. We understand the demands of mothers, caretakers, business owners, and quite frankly, those that just want to have time to enjoy life.

    If you can commit to 2-3 hours per week, you'll be good to go.
  • What is the refund policy?
    Due to the nature of the program, no refunds will be granted. Please do your due diligence and make sure you are making a sound decision that you can commit to.

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    Pay In Full - $6000 (save $660)$6000.00
  • Preferred option
    12 Monthly Payments Of $55512x $555.00
  • Total payment
  • 1xThe School Of Brain Magic Mastery$0

All prices in USD

Contact information

Billing address

Terms and Conditions for The School Of Brain Magic Mastery

1. Name of the Certification Program
The certification program is officially named "The School Of Brain Magic Mastery." This program is designed to provide comprehensive training in various techniques aimed at personal development and mastery of the mind.

2. Eligibility Requirements
There are no prerequisites or qualifications required for participants to enroll in The School Of Brain Magic Mastery. The program is open to anyone interested in enhancing their skills in brain magic techniques, regardless of their background or experience level.

3. Program Duration
The certification program lasts for 9 months. During this period, students will have access to all course materials, group calls, and support resources. The program is structured to provide a progressive learning experience, with new modules and content released periodically.

4. Fees and Payment Terms
The fee for the certification program is $8997 if paid in full. Alternatively, students may opt to pay in 18 installments of $555. The first installment is due upon enrollment, with subsequent payments due monthly. There are no refunds once payment is made. Should a student wish to exit the program, they will still be responsible for the balance owed. Failure to make payments may result in removal from the program and loss of access to all materials and resources.

5. Course Content and Materials
Students will have access to a range of resources and materials, including:

The Vortex student portal on the Heartbeat platform: A centralized location where students can access all course content and interact with peers and instructors.
Training videos: Comprehensive video tutorials covering all aspects of the certification program.
Worksheets: Downloadable worksheets to reinforce learning and practice techniques.
Script library: A collection of scripts for various techniques, including hypnosis and EFT, available for student use.
Group calls: Regular live group calls hosted on Zoom, providing opportunities for real-time learning, Q&A sessions, and community support.
6. Assessment and Certification
To receive certification, students must:

Pass an assessment at the end of every course with a score of 80% or higher. These assessments will test students' understanding and application of the techniques covered in each module.
Demonstrate proficiency in their skills by either leading the class through a technique during a live session or submitting a recording of them performing the technique with someone of their choosing. This demonstration must be approved by the program instructors.
7. Code of Conduct
Expected Behavior:

Respect everyone’s thoughts, feelings, and beliefs: Maintain a respectful attitude towards all participants.
Share your truth and hold space for others: Be open about your experiences while being supportive of others' experiences.
Use welcoming and inclusive language: Foster a positive and inclusive environment.
Be open to different possibilities and being wrong: Embrace new ideas and be willing to learn.
Accept feedback and constructive criticism: Use feedback as a tool for growth.
Take responsibility for your words, actions, and impact: Own your mistakes and strive to improve.
Supporting Diversity:

Acknowledge the validity of marginalized groups' experiences: Recognize the systemic realities of oppression.
Process intense feelings appropriately: Seek support from peers or professionals as needed.
Listen to marginalized groups without burdening them: Educate yourself on diversity issues.
Be open to learning how to be more inclusive: Report discriminatory behavior and support efforts for inclusivity.
Avoid critiquing people's tone: Focus on understanding their experiences rather than how they express them.
Commit to resource allocation for inclusivity: Understand that creating an inclusive culture requires time, influence, and money.
Untolerated Behavior:

Public or private harassment: Any form of harassment will not be tolerated.
Offensive comments related to identity markers: This includes any discriminatory or derogatory remarks.
Trolling, insults, and personal attacks: Maintain professionalism and respect.
Publishing private information without permission: Respect others' privacy.
Unwelcome sexual attention or advances: This includes any form of inappropriate behavior.
Verbal or nonverbal threats of violence: Such behavior is strictly prohibited.
Physical violence: Any form of physical aggression will result in immediate removal.
Deliberate intimidation or bullying: This includes any behavior intended to harm or control others.
Deliberate "outing" of any aspect of a person's identity without consent: Respect others' privacy and choices.
Continued communication after requests to cease: Honor others' boundaries.
Other inappropriate conduct: This includes any behavior deemed unprofessional or harmful.
The School Of Brain Magic Mastery prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort. Complaints about "reverse"-isms, reasonable communication of boundaries, or communication tone will not be acted upon.

8. Intellectual Property

Ownership: All course materials are owned by Quiana LaChé and the Brain Magic Mastery brand.
Usage Rights: Students may use the techniques they learn with their clients, in group programs, and may create content with them.
Scripts: All hypnosis and EFT scripts are the property of Quiana LaChé and Brain Magic Mastery. Students may use these scripts with credit to the original source and may not pass them off as their own creations.
Modalities: Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Clinical Hypnosis, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), T.I.M.E Techniques, and the 4-MAT System are not exclusive properties of Quiana LaChé and Brain Magic Mastery.
Teaching Restrictions: Any techniques, modalities, and resources explicitly stated as being created under the Quiana LaChé and Brain Magic Mastery brands may not be retaught by students.
9. Privacy Policy

Payment Information: When students checkout through Thrivecart, they will pay either through Stripe or PayPal. These platforms securely host students' personal information.
Student Data: Data for the student portal is handled by the company that owns Heartbeat, ensuring secure handling and storage of personal information.
10. Termination Policy
A student may be removed from the program and/or have their certification revoked for:

Non-payment: Failure to meet payment obligations.
Harmful Participation: Creating a harmful environment for other students.
Code of Conduct Violations: Breaking the code of conduct three times.
Misuse of Techniques: Using the modalities and techniques to cause harm to others.
Intellectual Property Violations: Violating the intellectual property terms.
11. Dispute Resolution
All disputes, grievances, and complaints will be handled through a "Restore and Rest" call. This call aims to resolve issues amicably and ensure that all parties feel heard and respected.

12. Governing Law
These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the state of Delaware. Any legal matters arising from these terms will be subject to the jurisdiction of Delaware courts.
I agree

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!
